Why I Need Simple


I need simple so I can spend less time making decisions, less time cleaning up and organizing, less time being distracted and less time trying so hard to "keep it all together." I need simple so I can see more clearly the life I want to live and actually live it. So I can have more moments of listening to my daughter laugh, walking our dog, spending time with my husband and cooking from scratch. I want to savor these times more, rather than multitasking my way through them. 

In order to get there, though, I need to put in time and energy into sorting through the things that prevent me from doing this. The large amounts of stuff I own - clothes, kitchen gadgets, art supplies, etc. It's not that I have to get rid of everything, but I need to spend time with it, organize it in a way that works in the fluidity of my daily life and remove anything that is unnecessary. In addition, I think the heavy weight of mental clutter also needs to be dealt with. Again, not necessarily removed right away, but sorted through and let free. Writing, art making, talking it out and connecting with other people is the way I can ease this quite a bit. 

I think that giving ourselves the space and time to gently stroll through the different parts of our life is beneficial in so many ways. It forces us to slow down, take inventory, think about the things, the people and the stuff around us. It allows us to take note of what works in a positive way in our life and what holds us back or creates unnecessary negativity in our life. 

So what is it then, that we can remove or move in our life that would help us live more simply? Based on our everyday responsibilities, what is it that could allow us a little more wiggle room in the happy spaces of our life? What areas have we been avoiding because it's just too much clutter, hurt, mental garbage, complication? If we can take just a little time each day to come face to face with these things, we can eventually begin to see a softness and surrender to these constraining parts of our life. Then more time will be free to engage and participate in the really good, really happy, really meaningful moments. 

Don't know how to start? Stop buying things.