My Artwork: Hand-Lettered Posters


Ever since I can remember, I have loved to write. Pen, paper and thoughts, all working together to in an effort to capture the things in my head and on my heart. Whether it be with my messy, loose writing from my journal pages, or my quirky, more controlled, fluid writing I use in my coloring book and some of my doodles.  All hand-writing is beautiful in it's own way, isn't it?

These days, with the popularity of digitized hand-lettering and calligraphy it seems that everywhere you look there are beautiful writings and artful messages in which we can all connect with. There are classes and books all focused on teaching us the tricks behind making our hand-writing a piece of artwork.

The beauty that can come from words hand-written in an artful form using simple tools such as pen and paper is why I've recently started making uplifting, honest, personalized posters geared especially towards young children.

While pregnant, I began writing letters to our little girl, wanting to share the honesty about the space that would soon become her world. I wanted to teach her about bravery and strength and looking up and standing her ground; about following her dreams and being her own unique self. Now that she's nearly one, I can clearly see that she (and all children) have the ability to pick up on these kinds of positive vibes. They thrive when they have space to move about and use their imagination. They are creative and curious and so loving, which is why I wanted to extract what I could from this special time in their lives and capture it in my artwork. 

Here are a few of my recent pieces. Along with these, I have a few related projects in the works, so sign up here to be notified once available. I'm happy to do custom pieces as well!